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Publication ethics of the international scientific and practical journal «Modern Law»
The publication ethics of the international scientific and practical journal «Modern Law» is based on strict observance of international standards and norms of Russian civil law, in particular, the provisions of the final documents of the Second World Conference on Compliance with the Integrity of Scientific Research (Singapore, July 22-24, 2010); provisions of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, developed and recommended by The Committee on Publication Ethics Publication Ethics (COPE)), as well as the provisions of Chapter 70 «Copyright» of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The editors of the international scientific and practical journal «Modern Law» guarantees compliance with: ethics of publishing scientific publications; ethics of authorship of scientific publications;ethics of peer review of scientific publications;ethics of editing scientific publications.
Ethics of publishing scientific publications
The editors of the international scientific and practical journal:
1. guarantees consideration of all materials submitted for publication, observing the principles of independence, objectivity and conscientiousness in their evaluation and decision-making without prejudice towards authors based on national or religious affiliation, official position and regardless of commercial interests and relations with the Founder of the journal, based on respect personal rights of the author and intellectual property rights;
2. carries out the policy of the journal aimed at ensuring and constantly improving the quality of published materials, making a significant contribution to the development of domestic and foreign legal science; seeks to meet the needs of readers and authors;
3. guided in editorial activities by principles that ensure the relevance, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of the published research material;
4. The main criteria for evaluating published research materials include:
— thoroughness (the published results of the research must be performed qualitatively and carefully, in accordance with ethical and legal standards; the authors bear collective responsibility for their work and the content of the publication);
— honesty (research results must be presented by the author honestly, without fabrication, falsification or dishonest manipulation of data);
— originality (the authors guarantee that the work proposed for publication is original and has not been previously published anywhere in any language; the work cannot be sent to several publications at the same time);
— unambiguity (the publication should provide sufficient information so that other researchers can clearly present the author’s position));
— completeness of the presented materials (the review and conclusions of the studies should be complete, balanced and include information, regardless of whether they support the hypotheses and interpretations of the author of the publication or not);
— balance (the results of a new study should be presented in the context of the results of previous studies);
— transparency (the publication should list all sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, the provision of equipment or materials, and other types of support (including the help of data scientists or technical writers));
5. pursues a policy of including highly qualified scientists and specialists in the editorial board and editorial board, actively contributing to the development of the journal;
6. implements a policy for the systematic improvement of institutions for reviewing, editing, peer review of publications, guaranteeing the accuracy, completeness, clarity, impartiality and timeliness of peer review and research reporting;
7. in relation to readers, guarantees information about the funding of scientific research and sponsors of published research materials;
8. checks publications using appropriate software for image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication;
9. makes a decision on accepting or not accepting the article for publication based on all the comments of independent reviewers in general. The final editorial decision and the reasons for making it are communicated to the authors.
10. The editors guarantee an independent review of the materials in a way that allows to ensure the honesty and objectivity of the statement regarding the scientific value of the article intended for publication.
11. In accordance with the policy of the journal, the Editorial Board establishes a procedure for reviewing materials submitted for publication.
12. The Editorial Board guarantees a fair and proper independent review process.
13. The editors reserve the right to reject the material without independent review if it is considered to be of low quality or unsuitable for the readers of the journal. This decision is made honestly and impartially, taking into account the editorial policy of the journal.
14. The editors use the services of independent reviewers in relation to materials considered for publication by selecting persons with sufficient experience and no conflict of interest.
15. Independent reviewers are informed of what requirements apply to them, as well as information about any changes in editorial policy.
16. If the reviewer raises questions regarding the reliability of the data or the appropriateness of publishing a scientific work, the Editorial Board provides the author with the opportunity to answer the questions raised.
17. When sent for review, the Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality of the authors’ material and informs the reviewers of the need to maintain such confidentiality.
18. The editors do not inform anyone of the status of the material in the journal, except for the authors. The editors keep the personal data of reviewers confidential.
19. The editorial board decides whether to accept or reject the material submitted for publication, which imposes special requirements on the honesty and objectivity of this process and on its compliance with the scientific vision of the journal.
20. All editorial processes are covered by the Editorial Board in information materials for authors: the requirements for authors, the types of published materials, as well as the process of processing materials by the journal are indicated.
21. In order to ensure the reliability of published data by making corrections when indisputable errors are found in the work, it is possible to make appropriate corrections or correct typographical errors as soon as possible. The online version of the material is corrected with the date of correction and a link to the printed list of errata. In the event that an error invalidates the work or a significant part of it, the article is retracted with an indication of the reason (for example, an honest error).
22. Upon completion of the review of the material, the Editorial Board takes appropriate measures with an appropriate commentary explaining the data obtained as a result of the review.
23. The editors undertake to respond to all statements or suspicions of misconduct in relation to the research or publication, coming from readers, reviewers or other editors.
24. The editors undertake to provide the authors with a list of requirements for the material. The guide is subject to regular updates. Editors work in accordance with the identity system.
25. The editors accept information about the identified problems and make a decision on accepting the material for publication or refusing to publish it. Retracted materials are available online with a visible retraction mark in all online versions.
26. Editorial conflicts of interest must be disclosed publicly. Editors should not make decisions about content in which they have a conflict of interest.
Ethics of authorship of scientific publications
Authors of publications:
should ensure that only individuals who meet the criteria for authorship (i.e., individuals who have made significant contributions to the work) are included in the list of authors, and that researchers deserving authorship are not excluded from the list of authors;
— must agree to be included in their list of authors and must approve the version of the work sent for publication; any changes to the list of authors must be approved by all authors, including those who are deleted from the list;
— must have a good knowledge of the work submitted for publication and ensure that this work meets the above requirements;
— should work with editors or publishers to correct their work as soon as possible if errors or omissions are found in them after publication;
– are obliged to immediately notify the editorial office in case of detection of an error in any work submitted by them for publication, accepted for publication or already published work;
– have no right to copy from other publications links to works with which they themselves have not read; citations and references to other works must be accurate and formatted in accordance with the requirements;
— should refer as correctly and accurately as possible to the previous works of both other researchers and the authors themselves, relevant to the publication, referring primarily to the original source; verbatim reproduction of own works and their paraphrasing are unacceptable, they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions;
— it is necessary to indicate the authorship of data, text, drawings and ideas that the author received from other sources
— they should not be presented as belonging to the author of the publication; direct quotations from the works of other researchers should be marked with quotation marks and an appropriate link;
— must comply with copyright laws; Copyrighted material (such as tables, numbers or large quotes) may only be reproduced with the permission of their respective owners.
Removal of articles from publication (retraction)
An article approved for publication may be officially withdrawn if, during its editing or after publication by the editors or third parties, a violation of the requirements of publication ethics (plagiarism, incorrect borrowing) is revealed by the author, as well as if the fact of its publication in another publication before the date of its publication in magazine.
Plagiarism means:
— verbatim quoting of any materials in any volume without indicating the source;
— use without the written permission of the copyright holder of materials prohibited for publication without consent. Incorrect borrowing means:
— the absence of quotation marks of the quoted text verbatim in the presence of references to the source; — the absence in the text of references to sources given in the list of references;
— incomplete composition of the bibliographic description of sources, preventing their identification; self-quoting and over-quoting.
If after the publication of the article by a third party a copyright claim is made for the entire article or its individual parts, the editorial board re-examines the issue of the originality of this article and, upon confirmation of the presence of plagiarism, draws up an act of retraction of the article.
A copy of the act, signed by the editor-in-chief of the journal and the director of the publishing house, is sent to the author of the article and the third party who filed a claim. On the basis of this act, the article is removed from the file with the materials of the issue in which the article is posted, both on the journal’s website and on the resources of partners (Scientific Electronic Library, SPS «ConsultantPlus»).
The editors publish a statement about the retraction of the article on the official website of the journal and on one of the first pages of its next issue, but do not remove the article from the printed edition.
The withdrawal of an article due to a violation of publication ethics by the author entails a ban on the publication of other articles by this author in the journal.