СЕГОДНЯ 19.01.2025

Journal The Modern Law: full text version

The scientific and practical journal «Modern Law» has been published since 2000. The founder and publisher of the journal is LLC Publishing House «New Index». The journal is registered with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications — registration number PI No. 77-3849 dated 06/30/2000. International index ISSN: 1991-6027. Publication frequency — monthly (12 issues per year). The journal «Modern Law», according to the new edition, is included in the List for the following groups of specialties: 12.00.02 — Constitutional law; constitutional litigation; municipal law (legal sciences), 12.00.10 — International law; European law (legal sciences), 12.00.15 — Civil process; arbitration process (legal sciences). The journal is listed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Distributed by subscription: the subscription index of the printed version in the Catalog of the Rospechat Agency is 79243.

All articles are assigned a DOI — a discretionary object identifier that determines the permanent location of the object on the Internet, the name of the object and metadata.

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Payment details OOO Publishing House «NOVY INDEX» The editors of the journal «Modern Law» The editors of the journal «Practice of Enforcement Proceedings»

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