СЕГОДНЯ 19.01.2025

Article content requirements

Article content requirements

1. The article must be original, not previously published. Materials sent simultaneously to several publications are not considered.

2. The material of the article should not contain incorrect borrowings.

3. The material must be clearly presented, clearly structured and terminologically verified. Mandatory structural elements of the article are the introduction (0.5 pages), conclusions (0.5 pages) and the main provisions that should be highlighted by headings.

3.1. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the study, provides an analysis of the latest publications on which the author relies in his work, and formulates the purpose of the study.

3.2. The main ideas and provisions of the study are highlighted by headings reflecting its specificity, direction and scope.

3.3. Conclusions should contain a summary of the result of the study and an indication of what is its scientific novelty.

Requirements for the design of articles Articles submitted for consideration should indicate:

1. UDC index corresponding to the topic of the article (placed on the top left).

2. Title, surname(s), first name and patronymic of the author(s) in full in Russian and in English; contact information – email address, phone number and postal address (the email address is published in the journal)

3. Academic degree, title, full name of the institution, faculty, department or other place of work of the author(s) in Russian and in English.

4. Annotations (Russian and English) should briefly reflect the content of the article: the purpose of the study, methods (stages) and results, as well as conclusions should be indicated. The volume of the abstract is at least 100 words, i.е. 600-700 characters (with spaces).

5. Keywords in Russian and in English.

6. The list of sources used should be presented at the end of the article in alphabetical order in the form of a list of references: first — sources in the language of the article, then — sources in other languages. At the same time, references to sources in the text are made in square brackets indicating the number of the source in the list of references and page, for example [15, p. 103–122]. The list of literature is drawn up in accordance with the current GOST R 7.0.5–2008.

7. The volume of the article should not exceed 25,000 characters, i.e. from 10 to 15 pages (including figures, tables and bibliography).

8. Illustrations (graphs, diagrams) and tables should be placed in the text after the first mention of them. Illustrations must be numbered and provided with explanatory captions. Graphs and charts should be of good quality.

9. The terms used in the article, units of measurement and symbols should be generally accepted. All designations and abbreviations used by the author should be disclosed at their first mention in the text. 10. The text of the article is submitted in electronic form by e-mail or through the website

11. Postgraduate students and applicants must submit a review (review) of their supervisor to their article, signed and certified accordingly.

The order of consideration and approval of articles

1. Internal review of articles is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on review within two weeks from the date of receipt of the material by the editorial office.

2. If approved, the article is included in the editorial preparation plan.

3. In case of rejection of the article, the author is sent a letter with a reasoned refusal to publish.

4. The editors consider it necessary to draw the attention of the authors to the fact that the materials published in the journal may be subsequently placed in the electronic databases «ConsultantPlus» and «Referent». The relevant clause on the transfer of rights to use the Work to third parties is in the License Agreement (clause 3), which must be signed by the author upon approval of his article and inclusion in the plan.

Special conditions

1. According to the norms of part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 70 «Copyright»), upon approval of the article and its inclusion in the editorial preparation plan, the author must sign a license agreement with the publishing house (editor of the journal), posted on the website under the heading «License Agreement». The contract signed by the author must be sent to the editorial office by e-mail in pdf or jpg format or by mail.
